Las Madres y Las Abuelas

 “We want our children; we want them to tell us where they are.”

One of the only forces against the dictatorship were the Madres de La Plaza de Mayo. What began as a few mothers gathering in the square became one of the most amazing examples of peaceful protest in human history.


Perhaps the most amazing part of their story is the fact that these women are still fighting today. Their organization has remained an important part of the Argentinian identity and even today are making progress. Of the estimated 30,000 disappeared, 500 were pregnant women, forced to give birth in custody only to have their infants taken and raised by military families.

In order to find their grandchildren, a new organization was created, Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, and a blood bank was organized, which took samples from all of the Madres and encourages any young adults born between 1976 and 1983 to test their blood as well.  Today, 87 grandchildren have been found.

The sheer determination and passion that these women that has lasted more than 35 years  is incredible.

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